Core Value #2:
Change as the only constant
This thought, in essence, was expressed by Heraclitus 2500 years ago (“No one bathes in the river twice because everything changes in the river and in the one who bathes in it”) and, although I don’t think he was thinking about the Internet or websites or SEO when he formulated it, I do believe it applies fully to these issues of today in which it takes on significant importance: the Internet itself is constantly changing and evolving, not only the algorithms change and are constantly updated as well as the websites, which also grow and expand.

In addition to this, the number of new websites grows every second (at a rate of almost 3 per second according to some estimates, that is 175 per minute and more than 250 thousand new websites per day). At the same time, interaction platforms also change, evolve and multiply (Google was founded in 1998, Facebook in 2004, YouTube in 2005, Netflix in 2007, Instagram in 2010, WhatsApp became popular in 2011, TikTok did it in 2018 and there are many more) as do the devices through which we access these platforms (desktops, laptops, tablets, cell phones, TVs, watches, VR headsets, etc).
For this reason, thinking of a website as something static that is built once and that’s it, would be wrong. A website must be in constant growth, evolution and optimization.
On the one hand, there is the analysis of the traffic metrics that the website receives which can tell us things like: this page of the website is not being visited or does not convert or this blog article generates a lot of traffic and generates a high conversion rate or most of the visits leave without doing anything and spend less than 3 seconds on our website, etc. And this means making specific changes or directing growth in a certain direction.
On the other hand, we have to be able to adapt and adapt our website to the times (it is not the same if we are in the middle of summer or Christmas or if we are in the middle of a global pandemic isolated in our homes). Our websites must be flexible and offer us the possibility to grow, to expand. And for all this, it is essential that the basis of the website is solid, clean and tidy, making the most of the resources and generating a healthy environment in which it can grow without collapsing.
That is why it is important to think not only about what a website is being created for today, but also what are the expectations for that site tomorrow and what are the possible future stages of evolution, and this must be taken into account in the process of creation, design and structure from the beginning.
In terms of positioning, it is also important to understand the importance of change as the only constant since searches also change, evolve and expand, new trending topics appear every day that we can take advantage of to attract traffic to our websites, new ways of speaking, new terms that we can also incorporate to our keywords (as well as revise those that have become obsolete).
At the same time, as there are more and more websites, new possible places appear that can direct to our sites and serve as external links (as well as constantly changing the authority that websites have over each other), so we must be constantly evaluating, constantly evolving.
In this sea of constant change, it must also be understood that there are many, too many variables that we do not control and that we will never be able to control and this can make us feel overwhelmed. Therefore, the best thing we can do is to focus on ourselves, on our identity and grow from there, go deeper there, that is what we can best control. Seek to be more and more ourselves, aware of our surroundings and permeable to constructive change in our identity. It is from that place that we will be better able to connect with our audience.
Let’s not be afraid of change, let’s embrace it and make it part of our DNA. And let’s seek to surround ourselves with those who challenge our limits, make us rethink our ideas, connect with our essence and help us move forward.
And if you are looking for a web developer with these characteristics to make your website, improve it or analyze your whole online business strategy, please contact me.
Let’s rock
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